Ironhelm Worlds

Ironhelm is a public Minecraft server with several different worlds. Click on the tabs below for a brief summary of each rank, plus notes on how to advance to the next higher rank. A detailed list of Commands available to each rank can be found on the Commands page.

The primary Ironhelm world is set to medium difficulty and is the main focus of the server. PvP play is allowed on this world by mutual consent only but PvE is common. There are several explorable locations, some of which use command blocks to create "adventure mode" style features. The emphasis here social and on building cool structures.

(more about this world will appear soon, including screenshots)

This is a standard minecraft nether world, attached to the ironhelm world.

(more about this world will appear soon, including screenshots)

This is a standard minecraft end world, attached to the ironhelm world.

(more about this world will appear soon, including screenshots)

This is an open PvP world and the main focus of clan warfare. PvP play is allowed on this world at all times, and anyone in this world is always fair game.

(more about this world will appear soon, including screenshots)

This world is here as a memorial to a world that was, several years ago. It can not be changed but exists to supply some ideas to new players.

(more about this world will appear soon, including screenshots)

Running a dedicated server can be expensive; if you like Ironhelm then feel free to donate!

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Explore Classic RPG Settings

Ironhelm supports many styles of play but one of our original concepts for the server was to create the dungeons, keeps, and other structures that we encountered over the years in various role-playing games. For that reason, we are currently trying to build/recreate several semi-famous structures from early Dungeons and Dragons adventure modules. Most of these locations are currently accessed via Multiverse - use /mvtp oldhelm to travel to the original world and /mvtp ironhelm to return to the new world.

We will continue to refine and add to this list as time permits, with the goal of eventually adding NPC characters, quests, mobs, and suitable rewards to match the original adventures. As structures are completed we will create 'warps' to allow rapid travel to these locations.

Current Plugins

Ironhelm is currently running on development version 1.7.10 of bukkit. Our plugins, last updated on June 5th, include all of the following (click an individual plugin for documentation):

BOSEconomy | ChestShop | Dynmap | Essentials | Lockette | Multiverse-Core | PermissionsEx | Residence | SecretSwitch | WorldBorder